The Environmental Enhancement Plan developed for the event: Monte Gordo Sand Experience, describes measures to mitigate, compensate and enhance the ecosystems in Monte Gordo.
It includes water and sand quality monitoring, waste management, dune protection, beach cleaning, actions to collect invasive plants, planting native trees, placing dune regenerators, upgrading urban waste equipment and delimiting parking to preserve ecosystems.
They also emphasize the importance of sustainability and alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.

The municipality guarantees

  • Restoring all the initial conditions of the beach;
  • Access to the beach should be via duly signposted walkways, without interfering with the dune areas;
  • No damage or interference with the longitudinal walkway;
  • Monitoring the sand and water quality before, during and after the event;
  • The implementation of actions to reduce the event’s environmental footprint, such as planting pine trees, distributing information on good practices and reinforcing the equipment for collecting undifferentiated and recyclable waste.

The race was approved by the relevant authorities.


Monitoring the quality of the water and sand is essential to assess the possible impact of the event on local ecosystems.

The water and sand quality analyses will be carried out by the APA – ARH Algarve laboratory and three samples will be taken: before, during and after the event.

The municipality has established a partnership with Algar, Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos SA with the aim of forwarding all recyclable waste for recycling/recovery.

  • Holding training sessions with technicians/exhibitors/others, with the aim of making all those involved in the process aware of the practice of separating and depositing recyclable packaging waste in recycling bins;
  • Distribution of recycling bins throughout the event grounds;
  • Delivery of recyclable waste to ALGAR’s facilities for recovery;

Most cigarette butts are made up of cellulose acetate filters, a type of plastic that can take up to 10 years to decompose, and also contain toxic substances such as nicotine and tar, which are harmful to different ecosystems.

Distribution of ashtray holders on the beach to collect cigarette butts and send them to their final destination;

Motorcycles may need some maintenance during the event, which will be carried out in the Service Zone, located in the Monte Gordo beach parking lot.

  • Use of an environmental absorption mat when servicing motorcycles to prevent any run-off onto sidewalks and gutters;
  • Provision of containers for the collection of oil filters, fuel mixtures, contaminated absorbents, lead accumulators, engine, transmission and lubrication oils, among other waste, and their subsequent forwarding to the appropriate final destination, promoting proper waste management.

The water used to wash the motorcycles will be sent to a Hydrocarbon Separator before being discharged into the public sewer, avoiding possible contamination of soils, aquifers and ecosystems.

The hydrocarbons retained in the equipment will later be sent to an appropriate final destination.

Dunes are very dynamic and fragile sandy systems that are exposed to the action of wind, waves, tides and precipitation.
They protect the coastal zone from storms and the force of the sea, preventing flooding and guaranteeing ecologically very important habitats.
They are considered important ecosystems because they are home to a unique biological diversity, made up of flora that is highly resistant to salinity, wide temperature ranges, excess light and a lack of fresh water.
The fauna is made up of insects, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals and some species of seabird that use the dunes to build their nests.

  • Installation of signs prohibiting trampling on the dunes at the accesses to the beach, along the longitudinal walkway and on the dunes;
  • Installation of fencing (plastic mesh at the bottom of the walkway, stalls, galvanized mesh, wooden props with rope) near the dune systems, to prevent spectators from walking on the dunes (photos attached and others to be taken);
  • Reinforced surveillance by the police forces of the VRSA Port Authority and private security;

Waste left on the beach can be washed into the water, affecting marine life, or transported by the wind to the dunes, affecting terrestrial life, so its total removal from the beach is essential to preserve ecosystems.

  • Daily manual and mechanical cleaning of all waste left on the beach;
  • In the event of an accident, any sand contaminated with waste will be removed from the site using various pieces of equipment (shovels/backhoes/tractors) and deposited in a large container.
    Additional monitoring will then be carried out to assess the magnitude and impact of the accident on the ecosystem.


Regular and systematic monitoring of dune systems in order to control the appearance of invasive exotic plants

Implement actions to reduce the impact of invasive species on ecosystems, preventing threats to biodiversity and ensuring the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems.

Periodic actions will be carried out to remove Carpobrotus edulis (commonly known as weeping), an invasive exotic plant that is found in various areas on the beaches of Monte Gordo and Santo António and in the VRSA National Coastal Dunes Forest.

Planting native trees

The planting actions aim to increase the vegetation cover in various parts of the municipality, in order to increase shelter areas for animals/birds, consequently preserving biodiversity, promoting carbon sequestration and combating desertification.
Native trees, such as pine and carob, are better adapted than exotic species to climatic conditions and soil characteristics, and are therefore more resistant to drought and other particularities of the Algarve climate.


Implement actions to reduce the impact of invasive species on ecosystems, preventing threats to biodiversity and ensuring the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems.

Periodic actions will be carried out to remove Carpobrotus edulis (commonly known as weeping), an invasive exotic plant that is found in various areas on the beaches of Monte Gordo and Santo António and in the VRSA National Coastal Dunes Forest.

The planting actions aim to increase the vegetation cover in various parts of the municipality, in order to increase shelter areas for animals/birds, consequently preserving biodiversity, promoting carbon sequestration and combating desertification.
Native trees, such as pine and carob, are better adapted than exotic species to climatic conditions and soil characteristics, and are therefore more resistant to drought and other particularities of the Algarve climate.

The installation of dune regenerators will promote the retention of sand, the regeneration of dune flora and the stabilization/consolidation of dunes, preserving terrestrial ecosystems:

  • Monte Gordo beach (access from the Coelho area);
  • Praia de Santo António;
  • Manta Rota Beach;

Separating waste and recovering it has environmental and economic benefits.
By preserving natural resources, saving energy and raw materials, and reincorporating packaging into the market, aiding the circular economy, communities become more sustainable:

  • Provide the non-concession areas of Monte Gordo beach with more ecopoints and standardize the containerization model throughout the beach;
  • Install ecopoints at the start of the paths in VRSA’s Dunas Litorais National Forest;
  • Delimitation/demarcation of the Santo António beach parking lot;

– The delimitation of the parking lot next to the dune systems will prevent the circulation/ trampling of the dunes and will promote the retention of the sands, favoring floral regeneration and the preservation of the biodiversity of the ecosystems;

– Installation of bollards on the south side of the parking lot to prevent vehicles from invading the dune systems when parking;

– Demarcation of parking spaces in the park, organizing the circulation and use of the park, avoiding the disorderly parking of vehicles, most of them very close to the dunes;

– Putting a footbridge at the access to the wider beach to avoid trampling the dune;